Multiple trait measurements in 43 inbred mouse strains

Multiple trait measurements in 43 inbred mouse strains


A phenotypic survey was performed on males and females of 43 inbred strains for body composition (weight, fat, lean tissue mass and bone mineral density), plasma triglycerides, HDL and total cholesterol, glucose, insulin, and leptin levels while mice consumed a high fat, high cholesterol diet. Mice were fed a chow diet until they were 6-8 weeks old, and then fed the high fat diet for an additional 18 weeks. For detailed protocols see Svenson et al., 2007.


Svenson KL, Von Smith R, Magnani PA, Suetin HR, Paigen B, Naggert JK, Li R, Churchill GA, Peters LL
J Appl Physiol. 2007 Jun;102(6):2369-78